About Renegade Fitness
We’re here for you!
My goal is to reach as many people as possible, shifting their thought process on nutrition, exercise, and wellness by providing an indivudalized experience focused on optimal proactices. By using the principles of sound applied exercise and nutrition science, combined with meticulous programming, constant education, and inspirational motivational coaching, the clients will discover the fire within themselves to become MORE.
Since 1996, owner Aaron Fruitstone has spent countless hours expanding his knowledge of training and nutrition, and life, and has provided fitness and nutrition services for all thousands if individuals of varying levels and all ages. With attention to needs and goals as the core, plans are carefully designed for the individual. No two people are exactly alike!
Aaron holds degrees in Exercise and Sports Science from the University of Florida, as well NCCA accredited certifications NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioing Specialist and NSCA Certified Personal Trainer. In August of 2012, he also became a certified Level I Fascial Stretch Therapist, granted by Stretch to Win. Additionally, he has holds certification as a Fitness Nutrition Coach (FNC) from the National Exercise and Sports Trainer Association, and holds both Levels I and II certification from Training for Warriors, and is a certified Kettlebell Level 1 coach.
In addition to his exercise science background, he also holds a 7th Degree Black Belt in ITF Taekwon-Do, is a full Muay Thai certified instructor, and holds the rank of Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He's spent over 33 years training, teaching, and competing in martial arts.