"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow's a mystery. But today is a gift. That's why it's called the PRESENT".
So many of us are spending too much time worrying about what's to come. And yet, we only control what's right now. Learning to be present is so important.
With so many distractions available to us, it's more critical than ever to learn to pay attention to the real here and now.
Being present requires you to pay attention to the here and now. Whatever has already happened in our lives, either years ago, yesterday, or even 5 minutes ago has already passed. If it was good, bad, or somewhere in between, it doesn't matter. It's in the past. The future isn't real yet, and is fully dependent upon our current actions, or lack thereof.
We can't get ourselves caught up in the "what if" game. It's a trap. We must recognize what is real right now. Learn to appreciate each moment for what it is. If it's cold, pay attention to the sights and sounds. Are birds singing? Can you hear the wind? What are the smells like?
If you've followed this blog, you know I'm a strong proponent of getting out and spending time in nature. Turn off your phone, or tune in to your favorite educational podcast. Strap on your shoes, and go!
It's harder than it seems, but the rewards are enormous.
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