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So, You Don't Exercise (Part 3)

Writer's picture: Aaron FruitstoneAaron Fruitstone

Updated: Aug 24, 2018

Here's a look at the final 3 main reasons why people don't exercise, as well as easy to implement solutions. Put them to work and you'll be on the right path!

8. They hurt when they exercise.

Learning to operate within your current level is critical to minimizing the “hurt” factor of exercise. Exercise can and does make you uncomfortable at times, and that ok. Hurting isn’t.

Learning to enter into exercise slowly takes a bit of swallowing your pride, but you’ll be better for it in the end. Doing too much too soon will definitely cause deep muscle soreness, and may lead to injury.

I’ll say to you what I say to all of my athletes: A hurt athlete is a useless athlete.

Start light, and slowly and progressively increase exercise frequency, loads and volume. If your body requires rest, give it rest. Learn to listen to what your body is telling you.

9. It’s too much of a commitment.

Starting out with simple goals, like getting 3 days of exercise this week is a good, simple marker. Goals should be simple and progressive, remember?

Learn to schedule workouts like you schedule other appointments. In my experience, my clients who train first thing in the morning have the highest rates of success. They miss fewer workouts because life hasn’t gotten in the way. That meeting didn’t run long, you weren’t caught up on the phone, your kids schedules didn’t interfere, and you weren’t exhausted from a full day’s work. Fewer possibilities/excuses=higher success rate!

Ask yourself this question: Are you serious about exercise, or are you just serious about the IDEA of exercise? If it’s the idea you’re interested in, you likely won’t take action. If it’s the change you’re interested in, then you likely will. YOU HAVE TO DECIDE.

10. You don’t have time.

I’ll be honest with you. If you don’t have time to exercise now, you’d better make plenty of time to spend in the doctor’s office later. You have exactly the same 168 hours in a week as everybody else.

Again, making an appointment with time specifically set aside for you to exercise will dramatically help you make your workout sessions.

Don’t be afraid to do several short 5-15 minute exercise sessions a day, rather than a long workout. It’s the sum total of what you do (volume), not the time spent in a singular exercise session. I have days where I’m so busy that I can’t devote a solid 30 minutes. So, after each activity on my “to do” list, I take a 10 minute walk, do some burpees or jumping jacks, perform a short bodyweight circuit, or some form of training. Doing work like this not only helps you in the physical development realm, it also helps your brain chemistry to refocus on specific work-related tasks.

The more that you exercise, the more energy you will have. The more energy you have, the more you will exercise. Another benefit is, once you’ve made exercise a form of discipline, you will be able to achieve more success in your work field. This is due to all of the positive physiological and psychological adaptations that occur from regular training!

Get it done!


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