The argument that we need to exercise daily is controversial in the fitness field. We now realize that recovery is as important, if not more important than the actual formal exercise effort. That being said, there’s a difference between daily movement and daily exercise.
Exercise is defined as “activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness”. (
Activity requiring physical effort can mean a whole bunch of things. The key here is that the activity is deliberately carried out to “:sustain or improve health and fitness”. In other words, it’s a designated, specific activity that is intentionally performed for the purpose of health.
Strength training, CrossFit/SealFit, fitness classes, metabolic training/HIIT, cardiovascular work, swimming, etc. are all exercise activities designed to improve your health and fitness. We have innumerable options of gyms, home workouts, facilities, and processes that qualify as exercise.
Yet, only about 50% of Americans exercise 30 minutes per day, 3 times per week. That’s only 1.5 hours of exercise!
Why don’t half of the population exercise?
1. They hate it.
2. They keep starting a program and quit.
3. It’s expensive to belong to a gym.
4. They don’t see changes in their body.
5. They don’t know what to do.
6. They have to take care of the kids.
7. They can’t stay motivated.
8. They hurt when they exercise.
9. It’s too much of a commitment.
10. They don’t have time.
To every single one of these reasons, I call bullshit.
Does one of these sound like you? I'll be looking at each excuse and giving my feedback in coming posts!
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