"I'll sleep when I'm dead". Well, don't get enough, and that very well may come soon! Today's post will take a quick look at a couple of the major reasons why you need to sleep.
During the day, the brain is bombarded with information. When you sleep, that information is processed, categorized, and recorded in short and long-term memory. Want to be dumb, sleep less. Want to be smart, sleep more.
The human body is assaulted with stressors all the time. Some positive stressors, such as physical exercise, need sleep in order to rebuild muscle tissue and connective tissue damaged by microtears. Most of that happens when you sleep. The immune system needs to fight against disease, and it does it best while you're asleep. Tissue growth, hormone production, and important metabolic processes occur while you are resting. Want to gain weight, lose sleep. Want to lose weight, get plenty of sleep. Don't fuck with your hormones!
"I'll sleep when I'm dead?" Well, soon if you don't get enough!
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