Imagine you woke up today, and you realized that you feel fine. You get up, have your glass of filtered water with Himalyan salt and lemon juice to rehydrate and replenish electrolytes lost in sleep. Then, you take your nice, cold shower to invigorate you and is a great stress inoculation activity. You move on and make your coffee with ghee or MCT oil. But just then, you realize...
Oh my God. I DON'T have cancer!
Do you then go running to the oncologist, demanding that he start radiation and chemotherapy to make sure that you don't get cancer?
Of course not!
This is really important to ponder. Why then, when we go to the doctor and he/she tells us our blood work came back and our cholesterol was high, are we do willing to take statin drugs to lower it???
First of all, it's really important for you to understand that there are more than just 2 types of cholesterol, though your doctor probably doesn't know that. There's HDL (A) and HDL (B). HDL (A) is "good" good cholesterol, and HDL (B) is inflammatory "bad" good cholesterol. There's also a couple types of LDL. There's LDL (A), which is like fluffy cotton balls that aren't sticky, and LDL (B), which is small, inflammatory, and sticky. But still, you doctor only orders a total cholesterol test, with the HDL and LDL being the important numbers.
Then, if that total number reads high, they will prescribe statin drugs to lower the number. Here's the problem. Statins do, in fact, lower cholesterol. But, they don't seems to lower the incidence of heart attacks. Additionally, there are a laundry list of pretty bad side effects to taking these powerful drugs. Memory loss, confusion, muscle pain and weakness, possible cancer, and no lowered risk of a heart attack are the most common! By the way, without cholesterol, you would DIE!
Statins are anti-inflammatory, which is good. What they do to your hormones and enzymes, especially coenzyme Q-10 is totally destructive.
By the way, you DON'T have heart disease. You only have high cholesterol, remember? You're agreeing to be treated with pharmaceutical medication for a disease that you don't even have. Remember the "preventive" cancer metaphor at the beginning of the post? Kinda sounds ridiculous now, right?
Maybe you should instead ask your doctor to order a cholesterol particle breakdown test. That way, you actually know what types of cholesterol you have. Since both HDL and LDL can be beneficial, or they can be inflammatory, it's necessary to know what you've got. If your doctor resists, provide him/her with educational materials (there are many books and studies available to dispel this myth of cholesterol). If they are still resistant, go find a new doctor!
We live in a world where we know far more than we did 50 years ago, and we learn more each day. If your doctor is still practicing medicine from 50 years ago, and is getting all of his continuing education at events that are funded by pharmaceutical companies pushing their latest and greatest medications, you may need to speak with them, and be willing to say "goodbye" if necessary.
That's real talk.
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