Vitamin D is also known as the "sunshine hormone". A fat soluble vitamin, Vitamin D can be produced by the body by exposing it outdoors to sunlight 20-30 minutes per day. It's also found in trace amounts in certain foods, or fortified (chemically enhanced) foods. It should come as no surprise that daily sun exposure is the way to go to maximize your body's own Vitamin D production.
In the body, Vitamin D is involved in the absorption of phosphorous and calcium, both of which are vital to healthy bones, teeth, the immune system, and blood. Naturally, low levels of Vitamin D are associated with osteopenia, osteoporosis, poor teeth health, blood disorders, and weak immune function.
Here are 3 things that are important lesser known functions of Vitamin D:
#1-It boosts the immune system.
Don't want colds or the flu, go outside daily. Don't want heart disease, make enough Vitamin D. Don't want multiple sclerosis, expose yourself to 20-30 minutes of sunlight daily.
#2-It reduces depression and regulates moods. In tests involving people who either suffered from depression or fibromyalgia, supplemental Vitamin D (either through sunlight exposure or supplements) improved mood and reduced anxiety and feelings of depression.
#3-It boosts weight loss.
It appears that Vitamin D (especially the type you produce by being outdoors in the sun) acts as an appetite suppressant, which helps those who are trying to lose weight.
Always look for the most natural way to get your Vitamin D, which is spending time outdoors in the sunlight. It will change your life for the better!
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