Happy New Year everyone. Instead of making resolutions you won't keep, try taking the following 5 actions immediately and watch your life change!
#1: 168 Hours
Everyone has the same number of hours in a week. It's 168, just in case you were wondering. Yet many of us claim that we don't have enough time to do the things we really should be doing to better ourselves (read, spirituality, exercise, personal development, etc), while others, like the Elon Musks, Richard Bransons, and Albert Einsteins of the world are busy doing far more than us. How is that possible?
They use their time better than you do, that's it. They're more effective than you are.
You need to begin deciding what's really important and what isn't, and stop spending time on the bullshit that's stopping you from being amazing.
Here's an easy breakdown of your time, so you can see it clearly:
1 week = 168 hours
Sleep (8 hours/night)-56 hours (112 remaining)
Work (9 hours/day x 5 days)-45 hours (67 remaining)
Family (4 hours/day)-28 hours (39 remaining)
Exercise (1 hour/day)-7 hours (32 remaining)
Commute time (1 hour/day x 5 days)-5 hours (27 remaining)
That leaves you with 27 hours, or nearly 4 hours a day to do whatever you want!
Watch TV, waste time with social media, read, develop yourself, give your family more of your time, see a ball game, go on a date with your spouse, go out with friends, write a book, work on your hobbies, whatever!
If you have dreams, you will make the time to achieve them. Stop holding yourself back with excuses, and instead, come up with solutions.
I'm here to help. If you are interested in online fitness and lifestyle coaching, I'm available. Shoot me a message here on the blog, on my personal FB, on my Renegade Fitness FB, or on my IG page @renegadefitnessmiami.
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