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5 Things You Can Do Starting Right Now to Change the Person You Are For the Better! (Part 4)

Writer's picture: Aaron FruitstoneAaron Fruitstone


Most people are stagnant. Each day, each month, and each year, they perform the same tasks in exactly the same way, with exactly the same results. Then, when you ask them how they're doing, they complain about their situation.

There's another path...

Using a popular term from Japanese culture, the word KAIZEN means "constant and steady improvement". In order to improve, you must first recognize that you have room for improvement.

That's where most people fall short. It's also what separates very successful people from everyone else.

I'm guilty of it too, don't worry. Years ago, I used to find every reason why I wasn't reaching the level of success in my businesses that I thought I should have. I was so sure that I knew it all, and that my circumstances caused my stagnation, that I looked to blame everything and everyone, except for myself.

And then, I finally started to take responsibility for everything.

I realized that my formal education wasn't enough. I needed instead to learn about business. I also realized that my business model was flawed, so I decided to learn how to reinvent my business in a way that worked for me and would bring me the clientele I wanted. I built strong relationships with other successful folks in the same business and in businesses I can learn from, and asked a lot of questions. I invested in my success, and began applying the tools I gained to improve my situation.

It all started with acknowledging my own flaws. Then owning the responsibility to make it better.

So, here's what I did:

-I began buying books on Amazon about the business side of fitness. I realized that no amount of knowledge about exercise science would get me customers, I had to learn how to get new customers, give them the service they deserve, keep them long term, and have them refer their friends.

-I invested heavily in programs that helped me develop my business systems. I realized that I was a great trainer who had no actual systems in place to run a successful business. I was still simply accepting money cash and check only, was nervous about raising my rates, and had no long-term strategy. Now, I work less and make far more.

-I got mentors. I finally figured out that there are people who are better than I am at coaching, business, and integrating it all. Then I learned as much as possible from them.

-I bought books on human behavior and coaching. I have spent well over $100K on my formal education over the years, but no amount of exercise science knowledge changes behaviors. Until I learned how to understand the "why" of where my clients are, what their obstacles and challenges are, and how to help keep them focused on tasks, I had no chance of helping them in the long-term.

-I changed my own behavior. Rather than be obstinate about what I thought I knew, I became open to other theories, philosophies, and views. I stopped trying to impose my will on my clients, and started working with, coaching, and educating them. I began to understand the differences in people better. All of the sudden, my business grew.

-I changed my approach to training. Rather than just focus on heavy lifting and "cardio", I focused on movement. Some days heavy, others light. Some days move fast, others move slower. Go for long walks, spend time outside. I got away from the "if you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail" mentality. My body changed rapidly, as did the bodies of my clients.

-I began mediating daily. I read daily. It's not always exercise science, it might be business, success/habits, fiction, skill acquisition that I don't yet have, nonfiction, or simply journals.

-I made myself accountable to me. I use lists and written goals, I make sure I'm on track daily to take action towards achieving those goals.

-I don't take everything so seriously. Believe it or not, if you've got food, shelter, and safety (Maslow), you really are pretty well off. The rest is your blank page, where you get to decide what goes on it!

I'm here to help!


Want Online Fitness and Nutrition Coaching?

You can reach out to me here on the blog, on my webpage at, Facebook at Renegade Fitness, or Instagram @renegadefitnessmiami

You can pick up my bestselling book, BECOMING VITRUVIAN MAN on Amazon Kindle.

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