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Why You Need to Sleep

"I'll sleep when I'm dead". Well, don't get enough, and that very well may come soon! Today's post will take a quick look at a couple of...

The 7 Primal Patterns

If you're looking to get the most out of your training, it's important to understand and apply the Primal Patterns into your sessions...

So, You Don't Exercise (Part 3)

Here's a look at the final 3 main reasons why people don't exercise, as well as easy to implement solutions. Put them to work and you'll...

So, You Don't Exercise (Part 2)

Here's items 5-7 from last week's list, with strategies to overcome your negative self-talk. That way, all you need is ACTION, and...

Wanna Bet I've Heard Why You Don't Exercise?

The argument that we need to exercise daily is controversial in the fitness field. We now realize that recovery is as important, if not...

3 Activities to Improve Mindset

Everyone's heard the quotes. "Outside of your comfort zone is where the magic happens". "Get comfortable being uncomfortable". And the...

Looking Inward...

Most people fall short of their potential not due to lack of ability, but improper mindset. How are we socially? Think about how you feel...

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