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Being In the Moment

Writer's picture: Aaron FruitstoneAaron Fruitstone

Each day, we are bombarded with stimuli from every direction. Most of what we see, smell, taste, feel, and think is irrelevant. Yet, we have a tendency to pay attention to what isn't important, while often forgetting to notice what is.

For example, if you're looking at your cellphone while waiting for the traffic light to change, you very well may miss the woman of your dreams walking across the street, smiling right at you! Another easy one is that you are out for a walk but are so connected to your electronics (cellphone/music/etc) that you can't notice the breeze, sounds of the wind blowing through the trees, birds, and other aspects of nature that we are hard-wired to notice.

We need to learn how to be in the moment. Right now, aware of our surroundings. This is not only an aspect of survival, it's an aspect of your psychology! So, how do we do it?

Take a walk outside in the early morning. Leave your cellphone in your pocket, or even better, at home. Don't time the walk or count steps. Just go. Try to be aware of the visual things you've never noticed before. You'll see things about the houses, landscape, and trees you've never before seen. You'll see birds, insects, and other wildlife. Smell the smells. Some will be pleasant, some won't be. Listen. Do you hear the cars driving from streets far away? How about the breeze? Birds chirping? Dogs barking? Feel. Is it dry out? Humid? Is the air pleasant? Try to notice everything. Don't be afraid to touch the ground around you. Learn to connect to your surroundings.

Simply doing this will connect you to what your mind and body crave and need. It's critical to re-connect with nature. Surfers, hikers, and other individuals who focus on activities that put them out into their natural environment are keenly aware of the connection of all things. Their heightened awareness lets the world around them slow down, and is know as flow.

There's a ton of research available about flow states, and what we can do to achieve them. Want to be a top performer, you'll need to learn to attain flow. Below, I've listed a couple of books that I recommend about flow states.

The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance, by Steven Kotler

Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work, by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal

F*ck Your Feelings, by Ryan Munsey

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