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When You Don't Wanna

Writer's picture: Aaron FruitstoneAaron Fruitstone

"A person should spend 20 minutes per day outside, enjoying nature. Unless you are busy, then you should spend an hour".

-Buddhist Saying

There's so much in our lives day to day that flat out sucks. We get up, argue with our spouses, eat on the run, listen to our kids complain, go to a job that sucks, eat shitty food at our desks, skip our workouts, drink too much, sleep too little, and basically suck at managing our "me" time.

Well, at least many people do.

What if there was a way to gain real freedom? Freedom from yourself, freedom from the rush of life, freedom to explore your interests, freedom to enjoy your family. Real freedom.

There is. It's name is discipline. And, very often, it's a curse-word.

Gonna get real here. There's too many things in life that just suck. Guess what, if you attack these things hard, you will have the one thing that you lack right now. Freedom.

Discipline = Freedom

The alarm goes off at 5:30am. Don't hit the fucking snooze button. Get up!

Go into the kitchen and drink a glass of water with Himalayan salt and 1 tbsp. of lemon juice to replenish your electrolytes. Don't touch your cellphone. Instead, sit for 10 minutes in the quiet of the house and meditate on the day. Then, you can grab your coffee with MCTs.

Go exercise. Lift, walk, run, bike. Just move. Do it first, do it hard, do it right. If you believe that you'll do it later, you're lying to everyone, including yourself. Fucking do it.

Talk to your family. Listen to what they have to say. Don't judge them before actually just listening. People would be a lot happier if they simply learned to listen. You don't have to solve everybody's problems. More often than not, they just want you to hear them. Yelling is really an ineffective manner of communication, and you'll just all leave pissed off. Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek introspection.

Listen to podcasts on your way to work. You will learn a lot. And, it's a lot safer than frigging with your phone to check Instagram and Facebook.

If your job sucks, think about why. Is it the work you're doing that is unsatisfying? Is it the job itself? The people? The company culture? What is it?

I'm a strong proponent of not simply collecting a check. If you get up in the morning and you really don't look forward to going in to work, it might be time to tell your boss to fuck off and go do something else. Whatever you do, it should bring you satisfaction.

Eat real, good, healthy food. It takes exactly the same amount of mental and physical energy to go to the market or restaurant and order the healthy food as it does to order the shit food. It all goes into the same hole under your nose. "But it's just a little", you say. Here's a piece of advice you might understand: A little poison can still kill you.

If you don't read or listen to books regularly, you need to start. And no, reading articles on Facebook is bullshit. Real books. Fiction or non-fiction. Real or fantasy. Whatever, just fucking read. It's good for your brain and shit, so don't be a dumbass.

Spend time outside. Look, listen, smell, feel. Get in touch with the primal you. The one that really matters in this world. Share that experience with your family, and teach them to enjoy it.

Have some fun, but be smart. Have a couple drinks, smoke a joint, enjoy your friends. Don't overdo it. If you do, you might as well write off the next day. If you find yourself looking forward to the next drink, maybe you've got a problem. It's not always just self-control, sometimes it really is addiction. Learn to enjoy life, but use intelligent moderation.

Go to sleep. Turn off the TV. Your cellphone should be outta the room or on airplane mode. Create the best environment for sleep, and go there. Try to get 7-9 hours (or 5 sleeping blocks, if you've read my previous blog posts). You'll get up in a good way, and will start the process of WINNING again each day. Fuck up your sleep, and you're pretty much screwed for the day.

I'm here to help. Want fitness, nutrition or lifestyle coaching, I've got your back. Visit the website and hit me up.


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