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Real Power

There's a secret that only the highest performers know. You have the power to decide how you feel and what you are willing to do. It's...

Foods to Lower Triglyceride Levels

So, you had your annual blood work. You've been pretty "good" with your exercise and nutrition, but you triglycerides came back high....

The One Thing You Must Do To Reap Success

Yep, there really is one thing you absolutely must do, in order to achieve success in your endeavors. It isn't magic. It takes...

Follow the Path

We're headed into the 4th week of the New Year. Are you still waiting to start eating better and exercising? Have you already given up on...

The Reason Why You Can't Ever Accomplish Your Goals

You've been "dieting" and "exercising" for years now. Maybe you've even "hired a trainer". Perhaps you've been "strict" all week. Yet,...

Is It Really Functional?

So much attention has been given to the idea of functional training, but most people do it wrong! Sorry folks, but performing a Barbell...

When You Don't Wanna

"A person should spend 20 minutes per day outside, enjoying nature. Unless you are busy, then you should spend an hour". -Buddhist Saying...

What to do when you can't get yourself together

Here's the reality. Not everything you need to do in your life is fun or immediately gratifying. In fact, the reality is that nearly all...

Why You Need to Sleep

"I'll sleep when I'm dead". Well, don't get enough, and that very well may come soon! Today's post will take a quick look at a couple of...

The 7 Primal Patterns

If you're looking to get the most out of your training, it's important to understand and apply the Primal Patterns into your sessions...

So, You Don't Exercise (Part 3)

Here's a look at the final 3 main reasons why people don't exercise, as well as easy to implement solutions. Put them to work and you'll...

So, You Don't Exercise (Part 2)

Here's items 5-7 from last week's list, with strategies to overcome your negative self-talk. That way, all you need is ACTION, and...

So, you don't exercise (Part I)

We're going to take a look at reasons 1-4 from last week's blog post about why people don't exercise regularly, see what's really going...

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