So much attention has been given to the idea of functional training, but most people do it wrong!
Sorry folks, but performing a Barbell Squat isn't a functional movement. Neither is a Bench Press. They are multijoint movements that recruit a lot of muscle, contribute to hypertrophy (muscle growth), and support the joints, but they aren't functional. Unless, of course, you are carrying a yoke on your shoulders, or hold up the body of a car while lying on your back. If you do those things, then I guess they are functional for you. But not for the regular person.
Functional movement is supposed to be designed to simulate regular movements that you perform in day to day activities. For example, if you drop your keys on the ground, you would either: squat down and pick them up, performing a lunge type movement, or simply bent over at the waist and grab them.
Using that example, let's take a look at exercises that actually would translate to functional type movements. If you needed to squat down, freehand squats where you go very low, and even squats where your heels rise up and the knees pass the toes, are good exercises. If you make a lunge type movement, shortening up the lunge stance and allowing the knee to pass the toes with the torso leaning forward is much more functional than allowing both knees to maintain 90 degrees, while keeping the torso erect! Bending over at the waist with a rounded back to pick up dumbbells from the ground in varying positions and varying weights would simulate picking up objects from the floor much more realistically than performing a straight legged deadlift. Starting to get the picture?
Exercise for pure muscle growth and exercise for improved functionality are not always in alignment. Instead, use a variety of modalities, offset loads, tools, and movements to simulate real world movement. TRAIN MOVEMENTS, NOT MUSCLES. Picking up a suitcase from the ground is a very different movement than a barbell deadlift, so learn movements like the suitcase squat!
If you want the body to adapt to the demands of real life, you cant always operate within the parameters of bodybuilding style lifting. There are no contraindicated movements, or bad exercises. There are only exercises that you can perform without pain, and are able to improve function and range of motion. What's good for you may not work for someone else, so you need to learn how you react to exercises.
Train movements, not muscles.
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