For each of us, our day is composed of hundreds of small decisions. Each one we make either makes a positive impact on our lives, or a negative one.
Do I get up with the 5am alarm, or.. Do I hit the snooze button?
Do I put sugar in my coffee, or... Do I instead put my MCTs and no sweetener?
Do I put quality food in my body, or... Do I grab whatever's nearby?
Do I workout today, or... Do I give in to laziness?
Do I sit and binge watch the TV, or... Do I read to learn new things?
Do I focus on the tasks that benefit my life, or... Do I simply settle for the status quo?
Do I go to bed early, or... Do I stay up late?
Do I focus on quality sleep hygiene, or... Do I allow electronics to disrupt my sleep?
These, and many others make your days either productive, or wasted.
Focus on those little decisions all day. Aim to make the right ones. If you screw up, get it right tomorrow.
Success doesn't come end of something, it comes by focusing in on the process. It's not about the end, but instead it's about all the things leading to that end.
Learn to embrace the process. That is the path to success.
Do you need coaching? Whether it's fitness, nutrition, or getting your life in order, I'm here to help you. Reach out to me through our website. I'll give you a call and we'll work together to achieve your best!
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